Closed for the Season

See you in April!

Pick-Your-Own Strawberries

May to Early June

Out of Season

All fields are closed.

Check in:
Everyone should always check in and pay at the market before picking.

Please park in the market's parking lot. We do not allow cars to drive out to the strawberry field. If you need assistance getting to and from the field with your berries, just let us know and we can give you a ride in our golf cart.

We provide gallon buckets to pick your strawberries and charge by the bucket. Each party must purchase at least one bucket in order to enter the field.

We grow several varieties of strawberries for our pick-your-own fields. Having both earlier and later varieties of berries should help ensure our season lasts throughout May and hopefully into June. They are grown on raised beds, using plastic mulch in the rows, and barley straw between the rows to keep weeds down and to help keep the fruit clean. If you are used to traditional matted row berries, you will find picking much easier.

Picking Tip:
We recommend you make a preliminary walk through the strawberry patch, looking for hot-spots. Once you find a good spot, settle down in a row, gently moving the plant’s leaves around to find all of the ripe berries hidden underneath. Then push your container down the row methodically, checking each plant as you go.

Pick the reddest berries – save orange fruit to be picked in a day or two. A little white on the tip of the fruit is OK; the variety we grow has a tendency to show a little white on the tip.

Please keep your pets on a leash in the parking lot or open field next to the market. No pets are allowed in fields where fresh produce is harvested.

Help keep our fields nice:
Do not bring any food or drink into the field. Water bottles are OK, but PLEASE take them with you when you leave.

Do not step on the strawberry plants.